Social Network Radio


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fake Profiles On Facebook Becomes A Crime In California In 2011

Well it seems California has once again came out with a new law, this one is funny but good. Basically they are saying that you cant pretend to be someone else on the web and Facebook. 

LMAO, Pretending not to be something or someone coming from the state of plastic people, fake green grass, the land of movie magic where they take you to make believe worlds. Just kinda funny and ironic isnt it.

But in reality this is a pretty good law and will help to protect alot of people, especially our children who fall prey to alot of this. While it is a small step in safe guarding the public from some of the unscrupulous individuals that prey on the innocent and naive, it is a necessary one.  

The law prohibits impersonating anyone online with the objective of harming, intimidating, threatening or defrauding. Such acts become misdemeanors punishable by a fine up to $1000 and a year in jail and goes into effect this Saturday and the law effective Saturday qualifies that the person who is impersonated has to be real and credible. That means it is still legal to have profiles that are parodies or fictional characters.

The author of the law, California Democratic state Senator Joe Simitian, was quoted in an article in the San Jose Mercury News saying:

As a Silicon Valley legislator, I’m nothing but enthusiastic about technology. But the question is, is the technology used wisely and appropriately? This is one area where some constraint appeared necessary… The goal here really is to try to change behavior…

So what does this mean on Facebook, well it helps users that are impersonated in the state of California have some kind of legal recourse to go after the said offenders. 

It will unfortunately open up a whole new can of worms, as the amount of lawsuits for damages due to this will surely go up as a result of this new law. This will surely overburden &  the overworked court system in California.

I wouldn't be surprised to see other states come up with similar laws to help safeguard their citizens. Some might be tougher than others but they will come you can bet on it. While it may not seem too tough of a law, it lays the groundwork for other legislation to come along that will do more. Time will tell.

For Facebook users be aware that if you are in California and you do have a fake profile you might be at risk if you are reported and your information is forwarded to the authorities. 

You will be made an example because it is good press for the law & state but most importantly Facebook as it shows they are willing to safeguard their users.  

So you have been warned and be safe out their.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The New Show Is Up With Zynga

*** The Show Is Up *** Well we had Nate from Zynga on for the entire show answering your questions. We covered a wide range of topics and bounced some ideas off him for the future of the game plus we also talked about unknown security features on Facebook to protect your from potential hackers and how Zynga can help you get your lost loot back.

What are the SKYPE chat commands and roles?

Hi Everyone, just wanted to give you all who use Skype a present. Alot of us who run rooms for Mafia Wars are always wondering how they can do things in Skype and this list of commands should help you better manage you rooms. 

What are the SKYPE chat commands and roles?

If you are the creator or host of a chat (usually if you set up the chat, you will be assigned this role) you can use various commands to control members in the chat, secure the chat with a password and do other administrative tasks.
To see a list of the available commands simply type /help into the chat.
Here is a list of common commands and their descriptions:
/add [Skype Name]
Adds a contact to the chat. For instance: /add joanna.mellors85 will add that member to the chat.
Disable message alert notifications.
/alertson [text]
Allows you to specify exactly what needs to appear in a chat for the chat to pop up. For example, /alertson London will only alert you when the word "London" appears in the chat.
/call [Skype Name]
Starts a Skype call with a Skype contact. For instance, /call john.of.york will initiate a call to that member.
Removes chat history. Cannot be undone.
Removes the password security.
/find [text]
Finds specific text in a chat. For example, /find Lucien will return the first instance of the word "Lucien" in the chat.
/get allowlist
Details people with access to the chat.
/get banlist
Details people banned from the chat.
/get creator
Details the person who created the chat.
/get guidelines
See the current chat's guidelines.
/get options
Details active options for current chat - see /set options below for a list of the options available.
/get password_hint
Get the password hint.
/get role
Details your role in the chat.
Puts a Creator tag next to the chat creator's name.
Loads the complete chat history into the active chat window.
An HTML file of the chat history opens up in a browser window.
Details number of people in chat and maximum number available.
/kick [Skype Name]
Eject chat member. For instance, /kick john.of.york will eject that member from the chat.
/kickban [Skype Name]
Ejects chat member and prevents them from rejoining chat. For instance, /kickban joanna.mellors85 will eject that member from the chat and ban them from rejoining.
Leave current chat – unavailable if you are a chat’s creator.
/me [text]
Your name will appear followed by any text you write. For instance, /me working from home will cause the phrase "working from home" to appear next to your name in the chat. You can use this to send a message about your activities or status.
/set allowlist [[+|-]mask] ..
Sets the members allowed in the chat. For instance,/set allowlist +john.of.york will allow that member to join the chat.
/set banlist [[+|-]mask] ..
Sets which members are banned from the chat. For instance,/set banlist +john.of.york will ban that member from the chat./set banlist -john.of.york will allow them to rejoin it.
/set guidelines [text]
Set a chat’s guidelines. For instance, /set guidelines No spoilers! These can be returned to be viewed in the chat by the command /get guidelines.
/set options [[+|-]flag]
Sets options for this chat. For example: /set options -JOINING_ENABLED switches off the JOINING_ENABLED option, while /set options +JOINERS_BECOME_APPLICANTSwill switch on the JOINERS_BECOME_APPLICANTS option.

The available flags are listed below:

HISTORY_DISCLOSED - Joiners can see the conversation that took place before they joined. The limit that they can see is either 400 messages or two weeks of time, depending on which is reached first.

JOINERS_BECOME_APPLICANTS - New users can join the chat, but cannot post or receive messages until authorized by a CREATOR or MASTER (see the table below for more information on roles).

JOINERS_BECOME_LISTENERS - New users can receive messages but cannot post any until promoted to the USER role.

JOINING_ENABLED - New users can join the chat.

TOPIC_AND_PIC_LOCKED_FOR_USERS - Only a user with a CREATOR role will be able to change the topic text or accompanying picture for the chat.

USERS_ARE_LISTENERS - Users with a USER role will be unable to post messages.
/set password [text]
Create a password (no spaces allowed).
/set password_hint [text]
Create the chat's password hint text.
/setpassword [password] [password hint]
Create a password and password hint for the chat.
/setrole [Skype Name] MASTER | HELPER | USER | LISTENER
Allows you to set a role to each chat member. A description of roles is given in the table below.
/topic [text]
Changes the chat topic.
/whois [Skype Name]
Provides details about a chat member such as current role.
Please note that you do not need to use square brackets around your text after the command. For example, the command /topic [text] would be used as /topic Today’s Meeting Agenda Chat roles depend on whether you started the chat or were assigned a role by the chat creator or host:
The member who created the chat. There can be only one creator per chat. Only the creator can promote other members to masters.
Also known as chat hosts. Masters cannot promote other people to masters.
A semi-privileged member. Helpers will not be affected by the USERS_ARE_LISTENERS option. Helpers cannot promote or demote other members.
A member who can post messages into the chat.
A member who can see messages but not post into the chat.
A member waiting for acceptance into the chat. Note: once accepted into the chat, members cannot be demoted to applicants